Featured Projects

MOF | Winter Moose Inventory Surveys

It’s extremely difficult to manage wildlife populations if you’re not confident about their size, sex ratios, recruitment, and any other trends in their population. For moose, that’s where we come in. We have, in close collaboration with a fantastic team of government and local First Nation biologists, designed, flown, and analysed a wide range of winter moose inventories all over northern BC over the years to support decision making when it comes to moose and moose habitat management.

Aerial moose inventories only work out well when a lot of different skills come together. We have research biologists that can confidently design both stratified random block and distance surveys (as in, they can tell you why exactly they made each design choice with an eye on the field survey and analysis). We also have field professionals that can tell a snowed-in tree stump from a snowed-in resting moose from 300 m away even after six hours of gravol-supported helicopter dips and turns. And, finally, we have biologists that can reliably analyse those survey results in R and present them in accessible, actionable reporting products.

Video Playlist
Cow and calf pair in cutblock
Cow and calf pair in cutblock
Headed out in the morning
Headed out in the morning

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